European Social Economy Regions (ESER) 2020 is an event, supported by the European Commission Directorate- General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, that successfully follows the 2018 and 2019 ones. The goal is to make regional and local economies visible while EC will offer support to the regional authorities by organising awareness-raising events.

The easyRights consortium is proud to announce that one of its consortium partners, BIC Euronova (European Business and Innovation Center of Malaga), supported by the City Council of Malaga became an official partner of the European Commission for ESER 2020. This is the second time in a row, after the 2019 success, when BIC Euronova and the City Council of Malaga, in collaboration with Christar International bring to Malaga the ESER event.
The 2020 event will be a one day event and will build upon the progress that was made at the previous ESER DG Grow 2019 event, with a half day workshop on bringing European incubators, NGOs, governments and charity entities together and a half day pre-hackathon approach where it will partner with the EC’s H2020 Project easyRights, currently underway.
For the pre-hackathon approach the participants will provide feedback and direction that will propel forward the work of the hackathon that will take place in fall 2020. They will affect the emergent and fast-growing innovation of Amazon’s Alexa Skills Kit (ASK), enabling the creation of personalized service experiences via the exploitation of voice recognition and Natural Language Processing tools. The workshop will use Social Innovation Learning Tools to identify useful resources to aid in the hard data collection and give feedback on services provided. These data points will be feed into the hackathon.
A European Commission expert will be present at the workshop and will provide a larger picture of the successful solutions to immigrant and refugee employment throughout the European Union while individuals and entities in the region have experiential and anecdotal data regarding pathways to employment.
For more info stay tuned, follow our website and Twitter account!