Towards a New Standard - Mediation Grammar
Mediation Grammar is a collection of minimum requirements for enforcing the informational rights of foreign (non-EU) immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees legally entitled to stay in the territory of a Member State of the European Union.
The Mediation Grammar has been officially published on the webpage of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) as a CEN WS AGREEMENT. Before being published, the Mediation Grammar went through a formal procedure to receive recognition from the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). To facilitate the endorsement of Mediation Grammar as a European standardization document, a series of meetings with individuals and stakeholders from relevant institutions were conducted. The outcome of these deliberations is the final CWA - CEN Workshop Agreement (CEN/WS 116- CWA) which can be downloaded here.
Before becoming final, the draft "CWA - CEN Workshop Agreement" was available for commenting and public consultation on the CEN website for 30 days.
The public consultation provided:
a valuable opportunity for concerned parties and interested individuals to contribute to the improvement of the document;
the possibility to register, which gives the right to sign the final document before it becomes a fundamental prescriptive tool for service providers.
How could any interested party contribute?
If they were already registered as a participant
Each person's invaluable contribution has played a significant role in the ongoing efforts to transform Mediation Grammar into a tool for inclusion and to enhance the ability of immigrants to exercise their rights. In light of this, we cordially invited all the stakeholders to give a final review of the document:
use the commenting form downloadable directly from the CEN website to express their thoughts, comments, and insights on the draft CWA
submit the form by emailing it to the workshop secretary Mario Gallo (mario.gallo@uni.com) by 14 April 2023
If they were not already registered as a participant
To officially participate in this effort to provide a standard to enable migrants integration, one should have registered on his/her organization's behalf or as an individual. In this way, one was enabled to send his/her comments and gain the right to sign the final document as a proponent of its adoption. This also helped receive further communication and relevant documents:
fill out the registration form downloadable on this link
send the completed registration form to the workshop secretary Mario Gallo by 14 April 2023 (mario.gallo@uni.com)
For more details on the Mediation Grammar, you can download and read our flyers.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Workshop
Under the scope of the easyRights project, a series of meetings (named CEN Workshop) Kicked Off on the 14th of September 2022. These meetings were part of making the Mediation Grammar a standard and everybody was welcome to join and have a say.
During the CEN Workshops, the Mediation Grammar was tested against the requirements of the major stakeholders involved in migrant integration policies and actions. While the proposed approach can probably be generalized to other user groups (such as citizens who are not knowledgeable of the legal and administrative jargon, despite being fluent in the native language of the host country), the standard and therefore the scope of the CEN Workshop was conceived of to be applicable to the domain of public services to refugees, asylum seekers and regular immigrants, which represent the cases more evidently showing a need for measurement and standardization of existing service delivery modes, in light of the wide range of alternative configurations of user/provider interaction that exist at the moment in the various service locations.
The CEN Workshop Agreement will provide a user-centered summative and formative testing methodology for public sector bodies and agencies willing to measure the extent to which local public service delivery (including offline and online modes) empowers refugees and regular immigrants in the fulfillment of their integration goals and in so doing, ultimately enables a full exercise of their acknowledged citizenship rights.
This methodology can be implemented irrespective of the way a public service is delivered, but it is also neutral with respect to the various possible ways a public body or agency is organized to provide a service (i.e. with or without the mediation of cultural facilitators or with a partial or total support of information and communication technologies).
The draft project plan, the agenda of the workshops, and the comments forms can be found on the CEN website.
1st CEN workshop 14th of September 2022. Click here to download the agenda. Meeting link.
2nd CEN workshop 21st of October from 15:30 - 17:30 CET. Click here to download the agenda. Meeting link.
3rd CEN workshop 5th of December from 15:30 - 17:30 CET. Click here to download the agenda. Meeting link.
4th CEN workshop 21st of February from 14:30 - 16:30 CET. Click here to download the agenda. Meeting link.