easyRights Agent
The easyRights Agent provides a comprehensive and easy
gateway to a range of (im)migration services
The Agent is a text-based bot designed to help (im)migrants more easily access crucial services by cutting through public services bureaucracy to only extract the exact information and forms they need.
Check out the prototype:
Scan the QR code above or access the easyRights Agent here on Telegram - note, you will need to download the Telegram app on your phone
To use/test the Agent follow just 3 steps:
Step 1: choose a country – to filter actions based on country services and laws where the service is needed.
Step 2: select action – select needed service area e.g., residency permit, family reunification, income, housing etc.
Step 3: creation – automated AI processing extracts from the country service portals the main requirements (HOW, WHERE, WHEN) needed to access the service.
The user is quickly presented with a direct web link to the service application to be filled, or the address of the office to visit without having to search through several confusing websites and pages themselves. This automated action saves time, cost and stress for all.
Added Value: Additional support services can also be accessed via the Agent to help users better understand the forms and services they are accessing so they can better communicate their needs and situation to public services. The training will help migrants learn to pronounce important service-related words correctly, achieve a sense of familiarity and self-confidence whilst on the website and converse with the service providers.
Capeesh Language Training - Provides app-based topic-specific language training with terms targeted toward specific services.
CALST Pronunciation Training - Helps pronounce challenging sounds that often hamper communication. Pronunciation training is currently available for English, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Norwegian and is tailored to a user's native language. More information can be found here.
Note: You can access these tools through the easyRights agent by scanning the QR code above. But note that people who don’t already have Telegram might not do this and abandon the site.
For more info on the Pathway Generator, Vocabulary Training, and Pronunciation Training please view the below videos.
Making a Difference
Understand how the easyRight's Agent can make a big difference to (im)migrants through Samira's and Amari's stories below. Whilst these are fictionalised people, the narrative is based on real-life testimonies captured through work with (im)migrants throughout the easyRights project.