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Publications & Peer Reviewed Papers

Journal paper

Martínez-Paricio V., Koreman J., The Spanish Computer-Assisted Listening and Speaking Tutor: a multilingual approach to pronunciation training, Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics, submitted

Conference paper

Mariani I., Rizzo F., Concilio G., Towards better public sector innovation. Co-designing solutions for improving inclusion and integration, under review

Conference paper

Koreman J., Creating Pronunciation Training for Your Language of Interest, 4th Int'l Conf. on Applied Phonetics, submitted

Related papers prepared by the consortium members:

Khoury C.: The impact of public policies on refugees’ mental well-being and social integration (not published yet)

Zardo F.; Hadj-Abdou L., Migrant categories and the politics of labelling, Research Handbook on the Sociology of Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing, submitted, in press

Khoury C.: The effect of social integration on the mental well-being of young Syrian Refugees in Austria (not published yet)

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