SPOKESPERSONS: A representative of the Registry service, a legal representative who follows the paths of asylum seekers, a member of an NGO that supports young migrants in their registration process; two immigrants who have experienced some difficulties with the registry office.
MENTORS: Mentors will be identified among ICT of the municipal administration and among experts in social innovation.
PARTICIPANTS: Join us in this hackathon, if you are a service developer, an engineering students, a freelance social innovator, an individual or you are working in a ONG.
PARTNERS: We intend to invite NGOs, Universities, and Immigrant Associations as partners.
TEAM FORMATION: We encourage you to form your own team with the people you know you work better with
register as individual or together with your group
the platform for registration is Eventbrite
to facilitate the group formation for those who register individually, a discussion group will be formed established in a Facebook Group
teams must be formed at least 10 days before the event
HACKATHONS: Fully online, the intensive 72-hour will provide the collaborative and engaging environment to transform solution ideas into prototypes.
POST- HACKATHON: The hackathon's winner will work together with easyRights technical team and the IT departments of the
existing services to make sure that their solutions is integrated with existing public services and improves migrants' accessibility for them.
The winner will be awarded € 4000 to be used for the development of the project, in collaboration with the technical team of easyRights and with the Municipality of Palermo.
PALERMO HACKATHON: An open door on the integration process
Accompanying migrants on their first steps in a new home country
Implementation of creation: ASAP
Registration opening: 7th December 2020
Registration closing: 16th February 2021
Hackathon event: 18th, 19th, 20th February 2021
Contacting the winners: 25th February 2021
The enrollment in the Registry Office is the first step to have access to all other documents that are required to obtain benefits and services in the municipality (where you are registered). Without this enrollment and the registered residence, it is not possible to access the health service, receive an identity card, have access to training internships and work grants as well as renting a house with a regular contract, opening a bank account, etc. The difficulties encountered by migrants regarding the enrollment in the registry office are a clear understanding of the forms written in Italian; clear knowledge about the documents to bring at the first appointment, a long queue in front of the registry office, booking an appointment online.
These difficulties complicate and delay the delivery of the services. Language difficulties from foreigners and employees must be considered as an additional barrier. There are no linguistic mediators. An improvement of the whole process would be very important in particular for foreign women who embark on a path of emancipation by promoting real autonomy. The impact of the technological solution on the
migrant population would be to facilitate the access to fundamental rights and thus support their psychological and social well-being and their path of autonomy in the host territory.
Create a technological solution that facilitates migrants the understanding of forms for registration (translated in the native language or in as many languages as possible); which provides information on the steps, required to have access to the service in terms of timing and offices; to find out which documents to bring to the appointment, what requirements are necessary to access registration and to book the first appointment online instead of appearing there in person. Many migrants struggle to find this relevant information.
Municipality of Palermo with the support of experts in social innovation. The registry office is a service provided by the municipal
The goal of the hackathon is to find the most compatible technological solution regarding the needs expressed by the users which facilitates the access of registration. This can have immensely positive impacts concerning the quality of their life achieving their rights & services and thus going forward in their path of authonomy in a new home country.
easyRights is a project that intends to improve some already existing public services for migrants by breaking down the language barriers that prevent migrants to have access to their rights. The solutions that will emerge as a result of the hackathon should be such as to integrate Artificial Intelligence applications and language technologies, developed by the easyRights project with existing services for migrants.